Circular Economy
Waste generated during business operations must be properly disposed of. Improper disposal can cause severe environmental pollution problems and indirectly affect local residents. BenQ Materials is committed to reducing the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle―from raw materials, manufacturing, storage, transportation, and use to disposal―by fully implementing responsible production and achieving zero waste management through reduction and recycling.
BenQ Materials adopts a source management strategy, continuously assessing resource minimization (Reduce) at the production source, adjusting raw material usage parameters, and improving process technologies. By collaborating with the supply chain, the company aims to optimize and minimize raw material usage to avoid waste generation as much as possible.
In addition to managing waste reduction of discarded resources, BenQ Materials implements the circular economy concept by recycling and classifying resources to achieve waste reduction targets. The company prioritizes "material recycling" and "energy recovery" for waste resources that cannot be reused within the plant, delivering them to qualified waste disposal companies. Incineration and landfill are considered the last resort.
The types of waste at BenQ Materials' various plants can be categorized into seven main types: general industrial waste, potassium iodide, membrane waste, waste liquids and adhesives, recyclable waste liquids, solid waste, and recyclable materials. In 2023, the total waste generated was 12,609.83 tons, a decrease of 2,007 tons compared to the previous year. The recycling and reuse rate in 2023 was 78.81%, an increase of 0.95% from the previous year. The waste disposal and treatment costs in 2023 were approximately 39.75 million NTD, accounting for 0.23% of revenue. The waste disposal intensity (weight of directly disposed waste/revenue in millions of NTD) in 2023 was 0.16.