Friendly Workplace
Employees are important assets to the company, and our main goal is to create a friendly workplace where employees can work with peace of mind and have opportunities for growth and development. We highly value the voices of our employees and maintain continuous communication through diverse channels. Our continuous efforts aim to create a friendly workplace with a focus on employee well-being.
Average Training Hours for Indirect Employees in 2023
The closure rate of employee complaint channels in 2023
The employee retention rate for outstanding performers in 2022 reached
Workplace Safety
The important operational bases, including Taoyuan Factory, Longke Factory, Yunko Factory, Suzhou Factory, and Wuhu Factory
Occupational Safety and Health Management System
Since 2005, BenQ Materials has obtained certification for the Occupational Health and Safety System (OHSAS 18001). The current management system is based on ISO 45001:2018, established for occupational health and safety management. The certification scope includes the Taoyuan Plant, Longke Plant, Yunke Plant, Suzhou Plant, and Wuhu Plant. Operational activities cover both production and non-production areas, including routine and non-routine tasks, as well as all activities involving external personnel entering BenQ Materials' workplaces. The Taoyuan Plant, Longke Plant, and Yunke Plant have also established CNS 45001, obtaining the TOSHMS Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System certification. By the end of 2023, the number of workers within the certification scope was 2,506 (accounting for 59.92% of the total workforce). Additionally, there were 1,239 non-employee workers, including dispatched personnel, on-site security guards, cleaning staff, company meal staff, and contractors entering the plant for construction, accounting for 29.63% of the total workforce. The total coverage rate of the certification scope was 89.55%, with a total of 3,745 people. Among them, the Hailu Plant and subsidiaries Jingjie, Shuocheng, and Weipu did not conduct ISO 45001 management system certification due to the number of employees being less than 200, totaling 437 people, accounting for 10.45% of the total workforce.
Contractor Occupational Safety Education and Training
To implement the contractor management system, every construction worker entering BenQ Materials must complete safety training, including instructions for onsite construction and safety regulations for hazardous operations. In 2023, a total of 1,379 participants completed the training. Besides safety training for contractors, the "Contractor Supervision Management System" was also established. Qualified supervisors must oversee outsourced projects to ensure the construction quality and safety standards of contractors. In 2023, 221 participants completed safety training for supervisors. No abnormal contractor incidents occurred in 2023.
Occupational Safety and Health Training
Worker safety awareness and disaster response are important foundations of occupational safety. BenQ Materials values training and safety promotion for supervisors and employees at all levels, establishing emergency response capabilities and safety concepts to strengthen worker safety awareness and prevent accidents caused by unsafe behaviors.
BenQ Materials' annual training plan includes training for new employees and general safety and health education, hazard general education (hazardous chemical management), mechanical safety, emergency response, operation of forklifts with loads over one ton, operation of cranes lifting loads between 0.5 and 3 tons, sling equipment operation, boiler operation, and safety and health management system operations. In 2023, a total of 25,405 participants attended related environmental, safety, and health courses, with a total of 21,660.5 training hours for employees and non-employees (including dispatched personnel, on-site security guards, onsite cleaners, and company meal staff).
2023 Objective
Achieving zero injuries and zero accidents
2023 Outcome
The Overall Injury Index (FSI)
which indicates that the zero disablement injury target has not been achieved