BenQ Materials continues to interact with stakeholders in order to establish communication and response mechanism for sustainability issues. Through the five aspects of “Responsibly, Influence, Tension, Diverse Perspectives, Dependency” of the A1000 SES Standard, important stakeholders are identified. After the assessment and discussion of functional supervisors of BenQ Materials related to the promotion of sustainability, five categories of important stakeholder categories are identified as Shareholders, Customers, Employees, Suppliers, and Banks.
Stakeholder Engagement Method
The establishment of a dedicated email address by BenQ Materials for soliciting feedback from stakeholders is the primary communication channel.
Collect Sustainability Issues
The analysis of significant sustainability issues is a crucial process for BenQ Materials in drafting sustainability reports, setting sustainability development goals, and communicating with stakeholders. According to the GRI Universal Standards 2021 requirements and by referencing industry attributes, as well as collecting information from external sustainability reports, a survey questionnaire covering 19 sustainability issues was formulated.
In December 2023, during a senior management meeting, the core executives of the Sustainability Committee at BenQ Materials conducted a comprehensive discussion and evaluation based on the 2022 Sustainability Issues Impact Analysis Matrix and the phased results of the annual sustainability initiatives. It was decided to continue using the significant issues identified in 2022. Among these, tax management currently has a relatively low impact internally in the short, medium, and long term, and thus will be categorized as a routine management issue. Additionally, the frequency of significant issues analysis will be adjusted to once every two years. During this period, changes in ESG issues will be continuously monitored, and long-term sustainability development goals will be tracked. The next materiality analysis is scheduled for 2024.
Identifying actual and potential impacts
In 2023, BenQ Materials continued to use the results identified in 2022 to determine the actual/ potential and positive/negative impacts of various issues on economic, environmental, and social aspects during its operations.
Survey of Stakeholder Concerns
To understand the concerns and expectations of key stakeholders regarding BenQ Materials' promotion of various sustainability issues, the responsible departments issued a sustainability issues questionnaire to key stakeholders. In 2023, the feedback results from the 2022 questionnaire were used to compile and analyze the issues of concern to various key stakeholders, thereby understanding their level of concern for each sustainability issue.
Sustainable Issue Impact Analysis
Based on the analysis conducted by 13 senior executives using a two-dimensional approach of "severity" and "likelihood," the impacts of various sustainability issues were assessed and differentiated between positive and negative impacts. When evaluating the impact severity, if a particular issue posed actual or potential human rights risks, it was rated with the highest severity. Additionally, stakeholders' level of concern for each issue was taken into account. These results were then plotted on a three-dimensional sustainability issue impact analysis matrix, which serves as a tool for BenQ Materials to continuously assess the degree of sustainability issue impact
Positive severity
Negative severity
- Note: The X-axis represents impact severity (positive/negative), the Y-axis represents impact likelihood, and the size of the bubbles represents stakeholder concern.
Decision on Major Sustainability Disclosure
After comprehensive discussions and evaluations in 2023, BenQ Materials decided to continue using the seven significant issues identified in 2022:"Sustainable Supply Chain," "Innovation Management," "Information Security," "Quality Management," "Climate Strategy," "Talent Attraction and Retention," and "Occupational Safety and Health." These issues will serve as the basis for disclosure in the 2023 BenQ Materials Sustainability Report.
Note: As tax management currently has a relatively low impact on the company, it will be managed as a general issue internally rather than a significant issue.